RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (14. 2. 2011, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Bodo Hauswald: Bodo has presented photo and unforgetable memories from his trip to Turkey hunting for locomotives :-)and images from this country. We saw many pictures of locomotive, railway bridges, tunels...German locomotives, American locomotives, Turkey locomotives. True paradise for loco lovers.


Artur has presented the new initiatives of RI. Discussion on one particular pilot project - Corporate membership has been with positives reflection but with raised worries too. Therefore members should read the link to RI provided herein and the presentation and in two weeks wiil be discussion on this issue.


Beginning of June 3-7, GSE is comming to Bratislava, meeting will be in Hollen Company. Peter Kucer will contact other two clubs to bring them to this event. Volunteers to provide accomodation are needed, Florian already applied.

Peter has expressed acknowledgment for Peter Princ, Peter Klucka and Milos Kmety for good job in preparation of this year Rotary Ball. All feedbacks have been very positive. Klaus has had negative experience regarding the quality of the service provided. Heinrich pointed rather unsuitable placement of the tables in the room with the band.

Database has to be updated in District web page to have data for yearly printout of the Rotary membership book. Artur is ready to help each club member to check his record.

Klaus reported on PETS in Piestany and all needed information for elected officers of the club.