International call hosted by Rotaract Hradec Králové

16. 12. 2024 | Hradec Králové
Datum konání
15. 12. 2024, 18:00

On December 15, 2024, Rotaract Hradec Králové hosted an engaging international call, bringing together Rotaractors from different parts of the world. The event connected members from Rotaract Club Erenköy, Rotaract Club Yerevan, Rotaract Club Dublin Central, Rotaract Club Monza PHF, and Rotaract Club Lekki Phase 1, creating a space for international networking and knowledge exchange.

The evening started with participant introductions, allowing members to share insights about their clubs and personal experiences. This was followed by Pecha Kucha presentations, where each club showcased their activities, projects, and impact in a fast-paced, visual format. The event continued with Speedrotaracting, giving members the chance to meet and connect in short, interactive rounds. Finally, the Rotaract & Rotary quiz wrapped up the session, providing an entertaining and educational challenge for all participants.

The success of this event highlights the power of international Rotaract connections, fostering new friendships, exchanging best practices, and strengthening collaboration between clubs. Initiatives like this reinforce the importance of global engagement and teamwork in the Rotaract movement.

A huge thank you to all participating clubs and members! We look forward to more international gatherings and future collaborations.

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