Today we hosted the Laser Game activity, along with the Archery Camp - 2022.
Minulý pátek jsme měli tu čest být pozváni ke spoluúčasti na Dětském dnu, který pořádala organizace Děti v akci. Připravili jsme pro děti různé druhy koření, ovoce a zeleniny, které následně podle čichu a chuti poznávaly.
For the Europe Day 2022 we organized a Human Library event in collaboration with Erasmus Student Network HK and University of Hradec Králové, as part of the celebrations organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Hradec Kralove.
On May 1st 2022, our volunteers joined forces with Nová Akropolis Hradec Králové, Uklidíme Česko and Trash Hero Hradec Králové for an Earth Day project: to clean up the Biricka lake after the festivities of the Burning of the Witch festival.
V Úterý 2.3.2022 jsme společně s @uhk_en a @pkffuhk uspořádali tichý protest na podporu Ukrajiny. Vyslechli jsme si příběhy ukrajinských studentů, zazpívali ukrajinské písně, drželi minutu ticha za oběti a vybírali dary. Jednalo se o jednu z mnoha iniciativ organizovaných Rotarakty po celé Evropě.
Rotaract Hradec Králové, in partnership with ESN HK (Erasmus Student Network Hradec Králové) and Děti v akci, organized an incredible initiative called Saving Xmas in October - December 2021. This inaugural event aimed to bring happiness and holiday cheer to 100 children from three different institutions in Hradec Králové: Dětský domov Sedloňov, Dětský diagnostický ústav Hradec Králové (Plotiště), and Azylový dům pro matky s dětmi Hradec Králové (Pouchov).
On September 30, 2021, the Red Church in Brno became the stage for an unforgettable Charity Concert featuring the famous Czech Boys Choir BONI PUERI and the exceptionally talented opera singer Andrea Kalivodova. Our Rotaract Club Hradec Kralove was cooperated with Rotary Club Hradec Kralove and Rotary Club Brno City, Rotary Club Valtice - Břeclav and Inner Wheel Morava. Our Rotaract Club also cooperated with Rotaract Club Brno.
On Sunday, September 26, 2021, the Church of the Holy Spirit in Hradec Králové came alive with the beautiful melodies of A. Dvořák, B. Smetana, and other renowned composers during the Charity Concert featuring the performances of czech opera singer Andrea Kalivodová and the Czech Boys Choir BONI PUERI with choirmaster Pavel Horák. BONI PUERI belongs to the most important European musical ensembles. During the concert Andrea Kalivodová introduced some of her most famous roles in the opera repertoire, including the world-wide known Carmen. The event was made possible through the efforts of Rotary Club Hradec Kralove and Rotaract Club Hradec Kralove. Rotaract Hradec Králové was helping with the organization.