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PhDr. Ticha Erika, PhD and Mgr. Hovorkova Silvia, PhD: Early support for families and their high risk development children
Svet v ohrozeni, Hippony: 1. "Svet v ohrození" by Jana Karelová and her team 2. Hippony presented by Mrs. Borgulova Svet v ohrození "people in Peri" starting as a group of journalist enthusiasts to help people in Kosovo in late 90s of the last century, Svet v ohrozeni grew to its current large size of non-for profit organization consisting purely of Slovak people. The group is aiming not only within Slovak borders but worldwide too. Their activities focus on raising awareness about people in need in Slovakia and around the world. Among its humanitarian activities are activities in South Sudan, Ukraine, Moldavia, previously in Haity too. The group is also improving educational system in Slovakia in cooperation with Ministry of education. Hipony Mrs Borgulova gave us a brief overview of the functioning of Hipotherapy, one of our strongest projects. Our monthly support is used to partially finance cure of children whose parents are not able to fully cover the treatment costs. Parents of the children are informed about our support. RC Bratislava Danube is also represente by the banner brought in two years ago located in the main hall.
Gerard and Marni, current youth exchange students: Gerard and Marni, our exchange students of 2014/2015 from Mexico and United States had a presentation about their countries and families.
Robert Vass: GLOBSEC - bezpecnostna konferencia v Bratislave
Heinrich von Hollen: Heinrich described history of his family and the best experience and knowledge he got out of it. The most important thing he learned the best is to care about your family and your own people. Heinrich is following the philosophy also within his company. What Heinrich wants to leave after? Heinrich sees the responsibility for the people he lives and works with. He wants to pass forward the importance of the philosophy of caring of other to all these people close to him.
On monday December 22nd members of our club met in Marianka. We participated at the pre christmass mass in local cristian church. After the mass we had dinner and opportunity to review the previous rotary year.