RC Bratislava Danube - setkání

Chystaná setkání

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Proběhlá setkání

  • 11. 4. 2011, 18:30 - 20:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Andras Hamori, ZUNO Bank: Andras told the story of a new bank launched in Slovakia and CEE region just recently - ZUNO bank which internet bank (direct bank) business model. Several questions have been raised on different aspects of IT support of this opertion.

  • 28. 3. 2011, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Dr.Peter Kresanek: Our renowned historician and ex mayor of the City of Bratislava, Mr.Peter Kresanek has presented the water mills restoration in Kvacianska valley. This part of North Slovakia has been in 1985 discovered by a group of enthusiasts which found the old water mills beeing just a step before extinction. Today, after a years of voluntary works of several dozens of volunteers there are restored few buildings with origins from 18 to begining of 20th century, including the technology....Discussion have touched various aspects of tourism, sustainability of rural tourism and approach of the Slovak local authorities and inhabitants.

  • 21. 3. 2011, 18:30 - 20:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Dr. Jan Gajdos: Dr. Gajdos as a chairman of the Health Care Surveillance Authority of Slovakia has presented the structure of the Authority, the role, scope of the activities etc., situation on he market of the health care, the role of his institution and the development of the health care market.... We have touched during the discussion various issues of the health care policy in Slovakia and maybe future issues regarding sustainability of the health care in Slovakia.

  • 14. 3. 2011, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Juraj Droba: The success story about new appealing brand on US market - Double Cross Vodka, ultrapremium product. tasting afterward has brought new experience to our members.

  • 14. 2. 2011, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Bodo Hauswald: Bodo has presented photo and unforgetable memories from his trip to Turkey hunting for locomotives :-)and images from this country. We saw many pictures of locomotive, railway bridges, tunels...German locomotives, American locomotives, Turkey locomotives. True paradise for loco lovers.

  • 7. 2. 2011, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Dr. Etela Janekova: Dr. Janekova talked about interaction between socially tolerable drugs (alcohol, nicotine) and medical drugs - medicines. Discussion on this theme was rather rich and interesting touching the points of alcohol, nocotine, marihuana and vatious other aspects.