RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (14. 10. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Minister of Economy apologized


 - We need to send a participant to the Rotary Foundation Seminar taking place in Martin on 9 Nov and Prague on 10 Nov and inform them about who it will be by Oct 31, otherwise we will not be able to apply for any grants

- Klaus organized great hotel in Vienna - Hotel de France - for a great price (105/125 EUR) for April 24-27 for our common meeting with RC Coburg. Members of our club who wish to stay in Vienna can contact the hotel directly and book it under "Rotary Coburg". Cut off is Nov 15.

- Bodo has informed us about St Nicolo train project with participants of Rotaract. The idea is to have an extra car for children from Levoca and us with our children. Bodo will supply more info soon. We will vote if we want to sponsor this idea. 

- Next week the mayor of Cifer will have a presentation and it would be nice if the number of our members attending would be as high as possible. Rotaract has also been invited.