RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (25. 8. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


During todays meeting, RC members divided into two groups. The first group took part at the bicycle trip around Bratislava. Several members had the opportunity to try out, the white bicycles we donated to “cyklokoalicia”. Our dear club members traveled around city and checked new bicycle paths as well as donated (sponsored) bicycle-stands with Rotary logo. Peter Klucka Informed us about upcoming reconstructions of bicycle paths, which are divided into several stages. Second group of the club, responsible for exchange students, met in Hotel Arkadia. It was the first and welcoming meeting with all our exchange students for the upcoming school year and their host families. Students were informed by the RYE committee about all necessary rules, plans and obligations.