RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (29. 1. 2018, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Pavol Demeš - prezentovanie knihy 90 rokov Rotary na Slovensku


Pavol Demeš has presented his book about 90 years of Rotary in Slovakia with many historical fact, photos and interesting details

Paul Harris and his wife established rotary International in the U.S. in Chicago in 1905.At that time it was a purely man’s club and women became members in rotary as of 1989 only.

Rotary influenced two Czechoslovakian diplomats in the US and they brought the idea into CzechoslovakiaFirst Rotary club in Czechoslovakia was established in 1925 and first club in Bratislava in 1927.

ISFR 2018 in Jasna, Nizke Tatry

As agreed previously at club meeting, all members should support ISFR 2018 in Jasna by ISFR and participation fee at the total amount of 70 EUR

Hotel Arcadia bar spending

All spending - tea, coffee, wine and other, needs to be covered on own basis, not by club’s funds. As this was agreed on club level, we kindly ask you to follow this rule. 

Pozvaní hosté

Pavol Demeš, Exchange students - Fabián, Joshua. Liz - excused