RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (5. 3. 2018, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Pani Zuzana Palicová - SNG Prezentácia o zbierke na Obnovu ovocného sadu v Schaubmarovom mlyne v Pezinku.Miloš Kmety - ISFR 2018


1 Mrs. Zuzana Palicová presented the fundrasing activity for the orchard restoration in historical Schaubmars mill in Pezinok, which is the part of the Slovak National Gallery. The restoration will be done in a cooperation with the architectural studio of Mr. Jurkovič and it should cover the 33 new trees as well as 104 fruits and ornamental shrubs. The public fundrising will start as of March 12, 2018 and will last till April 9, 2018 at the public fundrising web page www.startlab.sk and the project can be individually supported from 6,- EUR. Our club proposed to buy a 20 years old lime-tree. Voting to support this proposal already started per rollam.


2 Miloš presented the official results of the ISFR 2018. The event had a great visibility in the state owned RTVS at the prime time News as well as in privately held Markiza in Telerano. From the participants point of view, this was one of the best organized ISFR event as well as gate openning event to the central Europe to non Alps mountains and its ski resorts. We still receiving the positive feedback emails! A bit of statistics:

Number of accomodated participatns in the first day - 113

Number of participatns in the openning ceremony - 123

Number of accomodated participatns for whole week - 78

Number of participatns at the Rotunda Dinner - 101

Number of participatns in the Giant slalom race - 72

Number of participatns at the Gala Dinner - 138

Number of participants in the trips - 98

Number of countries - 15

Overall number of all participants during the whole week - 149

Revenues - 163 546.62,- EUR

Costs - 157 222.94,- EUR

Net Balance - 6 323.68,- EUR

Congratulation to both Rotary clubs, Bratislava Danube and Liptovský Mikuláš, to be such great and active clubs in our District 2240. We should be proud of ourselfs!


3 President of the club, Alex Nance informed about the three ongoing projects that required the voting for their approval. Voting of the club members already started partially at the club and the rest per rollam. The three projects are Jasina - Global Grant, Bronze model of Bratislava, Tree in Schaubmars mill. More details about the projects please find within Alexs email. 


4 Donation of 2% tax will be this year covered in a cooperation with other RC in Bratislava as our club is not registered as 2% tax recepient due to formal administrative misconduct back in 2016.





Pozvaní hosté

Fabian - exchange student. Mrs. Zuzana Palicova