RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (14. 5. 2018, 18:00)

Pravidelné setkání


Andrea ZrubcovaCurator of the Global Shapers Hub BratislavaCo-founder Consulting Club BratislavaPhillip-Sebastian MarchlVice-Curator of the Global Shapers Hub BratislavaPast President Rotaract Wien-StadtparkFounder of the Rotary project Intarconnect


  • Presentation of Global Shapers Hub Bratislava
  • Short annoucnemnt by Michaela about GDPR. Members who were not present received a document to be signed, scanned, and sent by Monday 21.05
  • Annoucemnt by Peter Klucka and Bodo about the Bikes from Holland (33 to come to Slovakia)