RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (11. 6. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Vystavba dialnicneho obchvatu D4/R7 - Zdenek Krejčí


  1. Mr. Krejčí presented the D4/R7 higway plans and its development
  2. Miloš visited the next years ISFR 2019 in Obersdorf. More information about his visit as well as details about the ISFR will be presented at the next club meeting
  3. Presidency handover from Alex to Michaela will take place at Kolkovna Riverpark on June 24th.
  4. Ivo infromed, the club has been registered for the electronic communication with the accounting company
  5. Ivo also asked the club memebers to provide information about their 2% tax contribution. Info please share with Michaela and Ivo.
  6. Alex asked Bodo to confirm Gabriels membership by the end of June 2018. Bodo agreed.
  7. Michaela and Alex will meet up with the Manager of the hotel to talk about positive experience from the past two month as well about the further cooperation.
  8. Fabian, the exchange student already left the district by decision of our district.

Pozvaní hosté

Zdenek Krejčí