RC Bratislava Danube - President’s Program 2018/2019 (17. 9. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)


Judr. Dr. Michaela Stessl: President’s Program 2018/2019


President Judr. Dr. Michaela Stessl provided he presidential presentation for her term 2018/2019 and introduced her team for the new period. Here the goals in different areas:


  • continuation of existing projects
  • identification of 1 top charity event with visibility
  • participation on a global grant project
  • continuation of hipony, CVI, bike stands, Deti Dunaja
  • bronze model of Bratislava
  • bycicles



  • board meetings on a quarterly basis
  • 1 outside meeting every quarter
  • 30 min presentations of speakers


  • currently 23 members
  • more active
  • more female members
  • improve cooperation with clubs in the region + Rotaract
  • improve our international cooperation with RC Coburg


Presidential project:

  • bronze model of Bratislava
  • 15.000 EUR donated already
  • symbol of Rotary, visibility


  • healthy club, 25.000 EUR
  • 2% tax
  • continue with non-participation fee and Deti Dunaja