RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (24. 9. 2018, 18:00 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání


PhDr. Tomas Mokos - referee: Presentation of Tomas Mokos referee


  • Speech – Mr. PhDr. Tomas  Mokos: who is a recognized referee on national and international level (UEFA, FIFA), he is taking on the national coordinator´s role of a video assistant referee – a new kind of referee´s activity in national and international plays that will be mandatory in the future. He introduced the technical details of the new system that is based on international rules.  
  • Update re Bicycle program:


Bodo Hauswald updated the clubs president in written form and asked her to report to the club the latest news on the Bicycle project as follows:


According to Bodo another bulk of bicycles arrived last week in Bratislava. Currently they are stored in Bodos storage.


You will recall that this project was initiated by our former club member Urmas Kaarlep. Urmas had a close contact to people in the Netherlands who were collecting used bicycles in adventure parks, in the Netherlands, which were going to be replaced by new ones. Thanks to Urmas the bicycles are coming already the fourth time to Slovakia. 


Thanks to Peter Kluckas connections we overall offered 160 bicycles so far to the organization ´´Cyklokoalicia´´.


According to Bodo, the “end” sales price of each bicycle is approximately EUR 350, exclusive transport costs.


Several club members raised arguments that the project is not well enough known in Bratislava / Slovakia, that it suffers visibility and  most importantly the context Rotary which is the major donator of this project. We will therefore take this project into the agenda of the next board meeting to decide whether and if yes, how we wish to proceed further with this project.  


See the fotos attached.


  • Ivan Sandreau as YEO of the club and Liz participated this weekend on the YEO training / orientation meeting in Kromeriz
  • We are requesting fee offers for a joint dinner (preferably in Hotel Devin) following our joint event with Rotary club Bratislava that is planned for the 15 October 2018 where the two clubs will invite the candidate for the position major of Bratislava Hlavne Mesto – Mr. Vaclav Mika.