RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (1. 10. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Internal Affairs by President


Our President approached the following topics:

  • To call a Board meeting regarding, among others, the following issues: approve new & club projects for 2019/2020; Peter Kucer status (already approved); Bicycle project (Peter Klucka), changes to our Articles of Association – working group (Michaela, Gerta, ?), RC Coburg – “Tour de Slovakia” for 2019/2020 (Martin S.)
  • To approach each club member in a separate email to come up with a new club project for 2019/20 (to recap – our current main projects are hyponi, CVI, Deti Dunaj and the 3D Baroque model Bratislava Town (Monument). I would like to suggest to re-activate again the “Mikulas train” – our event in December each year which was very much acknowledged by our and many other Rotary clubs of the district and their members
  • To visit RC Malacky – planned for mid-November 2018 (Michaela, Bodo)
  • To visit Rotaract – planned for mid-November 2018 (Michaela, Bodo)

Finally, a small but important reminder – please do not forget to put in your agenda the 8 October 2018 at 19:00 o clock when our District Governor Zdenko Michalek will visit our club.

Our dear friend Heinrich von Hollen turned 82 just yesterday. Happy birthday Heinrich!!! At this occassion Heinrich generously donated 100 Euros to our club. THANK YOU!!!