RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (14. 1. 2019, 18:00)

Pravidelné setkání


Peter Kucer: Peter Kucer Kanada


Peter Kucer`s speech was about Canada (“From Sea to Sea”)

Peter is working in Canada for almost a year now

He informed us on the business activities of the company he is working for and about his personal experiences in this country in the last year


We have ordered new pins for our Rotary club members. Club members may buy such pin for an amount of EUR 5. 


Ivan Sandreau, the club´s Youth exchange coordinator, informed us that from now on he will be officially assisted by Martin Paulik. On behalf of the club, he will be attending the next meeting in Poprad. 


Ivo Petrencik informed us that our exchange student Liz already returned safely to Australia. 


The upcoming Rotary highlights are:


- Rotary Convent in Hamburg in February 2019

- PETS conference in March 2019

- Rotary District conference in Prague in May 2019