RC Bratislava Danube - Future of European Defence (27. 5. 2019, 18:00)

Adresa konání

Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03


Juraj Krupa of the Slovak Security Policy Institute: What is the Future of European Defence?Our guest Juraj Krupa gave us a presentation on defence and security in Europe and dealt with the question of European Army or Defence. The following questions arise:Can the EU finance its defence? It would take at least 10-15 years to built conventional defence in EU. The budget is 4x lower than within NATO. It could endanger the unity of NATO. NATO is demands 2% of GDP to finance defence. In reality we would need 2,5%-3% to build a European Army and it would be a difficult political task. How to make European defence more attractive?-EU Crisis Management Operations-Common EU Defence budget -Strategic CapabilitiesIt is up to a discussion if and how can a European army be built as it is a very complex issue in a heterogenous continent with many different approaches, interests, etc. 


Presentation by Juraj Krupa on European Defence

Our President referred about the District Conference in Prague

Book dates 11-14. June 2020 (Thu-Sun) for Slovakia Trip with RC Coburg