RC Bratislava Danube - Non-Attendancy fee (7. 10. 2019, 18.00)

Adresa konání

Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03


Mr. Bodo Hauswald presented the idea of payment of the non -attendancy fee by those club members who do not attend the mtgs. This should not be a sanction, but shall serve  for further funding of the RC projects and as a fair payment for non-particiption at the RC mtgs. the fee shall be 7€/person/mtg. President said that the Statutes of the RC covere this issue, in case the RC member does not attend the mtgs for more than 5 times, he also proposed online mtgs. or attending of the mtgs of other clubs, if one is not in Bratislava. Other members (Peter Kucer, Peter Prince and others confirmed that they are against such fee and that the RC should look for other sources of funding, such 2% of the tax.  Gerta Samelova Flassiková  supported the idea of the fee as she believes that thought the participation in the club is voluntary, each member should respect the duties ensuing from being a member. 

Voting: 10 against, 2 for, 0 refrain.

Tomas Osuský voted for, by email.

Stafan Peto granted the members some of the products of his firm Nordic Foodie in the value of 54€ each. The members have paid for this a voluntary sum, which had been transferred to  bank account. Mr. Peto also confirmed that if some of the RC members order some of this product, 25% of the sum would be delivered to RC bank account.

Martin Sloboda informed the members on the Bronze model of Bratislava. There will be a special event on 10th October, 10 a.m. or 2 p.m.

Next RC mtg will start at 5.45 p.m. at the place of the bronze model.