RC Praha Staré Město - Online klubová schůzka (19. 1. 2021, 18:00)


Online klubová schůzka - pozor již v 18hod.


Proběhla přátelská online návštěva izraelského klubu - Rotary Club Modi'in in District 2490, Israel.

Níže jsme ještě obdrželi od jejich prezidentky tyto informace.

Members of the Rotary Modiin Clubׁׂ (My club) invite members of the English-speaking Rotary organization to join virtual tours of Israel. The tours will take place twice a month and the first tour will take place in Jerusalem, the Holy City on January 25, 2021 at 20:30 Israel time. The tour is free but requires pre-registration https://lp.vp4.me/c1bg   - I would appreciate it if you would post this among Rotary members in your area - thanks in advance !!