RAC Prague International - Monthly Board meeting (31. 3. 2024, 15:00)

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Board will discuss the results of the March 17th meeting with the presentation of ideas for future projects.


Hello everyone, the Board has conducted a meeting. The voting results for the projects are known.

- Our Flagship project will be the Seasons of Giving, led by Hleb Tkachenko. This project received the highest rating among the projects: 4.4 out of 5, and 11 out of 13 voters expressed their desire to participate in it. A WhatsApp group will be created for all those who want to join this project. And at the members' meeting in April, we will officially announce our steps towards implementation. 

All other projects can also be implemented!! Hleb will put together procedure guidelines on how members can fulfill their own projects submitted if they didn't get the most votes.