Adresa konání
Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03
PhDr. František Šibej, CsC: Israel - Palestine conflict, evolution, current state and possible solution
- Main presentation: PhDr. František Šebej about the Israel - Palestine conflict, evolution, current state and possible solution.
- according to PhDr. František Šebej personal view the conflict is based on religion in the first place rather then fight for a land
- Internal topics:
- Michal Blahovec: program for November:
- 4Nov internal topics,
- 11Nov Martin Sloboda wine tasting at his place,
- 18Nov Rostislav hosting gen.Pavel Macko,
- 25Nov Gerta hosting our club at her office
- Nominations for the president 2026/2027 scheduled for December 9th
- Documents for Exchange students: confirmation about our bank account status, Min Interior affairs statement about our club officials were handed over to all three students for admission purposes