Mimořádná adresa konání
ARCADIA BOUTIQUE HOTEL, Františkánska 3, 81101 Bratislava
- President 2026/2027 elect nomination: Michal Blahovec
- President elect voting: 12 voted yes / 12 present / 22 active members
- RCBD club's officials for 2026/2027:
President : p. Michal Blahovec
Treasury: p. Ivo Petrenčík
Club secretary: p. Martin Sloboda
Youth Exchange Officer: p. Peter Kucer
HR: p. Miloš Kmety
The Rotary Foundation: p. Tomáš Osuský.
- OTHER topics:
- Budget
- Hipony Bozka following
- CVI following, wednesday at Halkova ulica, Christmas party
- Holic following Stefan Peto
- Fyzio v Charkove NEW - will be invited for a presentation (Rostyslav)
- Mari: Romerov dom NEW - will be invited for a presentation (Mari)
- Rotary Foundation:
- RCBD has right for (not guaranteed) 50% dostaneme max polovicu, if RCBD is sending 100USD per member or more RCBD has right to be granted 1:1 ratio of spending (input 5000USD we get 5000USD)
- Problem definition: many clubs do not participate - missing funds
- Present 12members voted unanomously to stop donation untill withdrawal
- Presentations:
- each project shall be presented first at our regular meetings and afterwards vote about possible financial support
- CVI – Erika Ticha shall be invited to brief us about the publication of the book, status and next stepsN
- Paul Harris Fellow nominations:
- Heinrich von Hollen (Koncert na podporu UA)
- Tomas Osusky (angazovanie v RI foundation, podpora UA)
- Martin Sloboda (bronz model)
- assigned task to Martin Sloboda to communicate with the district
- District Czech and Slovakia pins
- 40pcs order: approved by all participants 12/22
- for all active members 22
- reserv for next members
- assigned to Martin Sloboda to order
- Exchange Students
- 30eur for each student starting January
- all money upfront untill end of the program
- 4x30eur
- money is bonded to activities such as gym
- Gigi: personal help in th eform of private donations
- confirmed 10 members to donate
- conditioned by her own savings for ski week