RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (10. 1. 2011, 18:30)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Jozko: he presented project on Academy for the future Rotary officers. Jozko is supposed to lead this Academy. This Academy should prepare officers for the Zone (several countries and Districts). Academy participants will meet 4 times per year.


Discussion started with our own liability to present for the club once per year or assure one presentation by interesting topic.
We discussed proposal for some presenters and topics:
Viktor Niznansky
MD og Diamond Internation Center
Karol Siska on yachting
Juraj Droba - Double Cross Vodka (Artur will contact him)
Natasa Slavikova - section head at Ministry of Culture on the topic of merging public TV and radio
Peter Balaz, professor at University of Economy on international trade
Tomas Osusky - intelligent traffic systems........ and other options.
Martin will distribute updated list of presentations.
budget commitment: 16.000 our club, 16.000 Bratislava and 10.000 Bratislava International. This amount should be clollected by sale of tickets as well as sponsorship.
Location: Kempinski hotel
Time: February 12, 2011
Price per ticket: 130 EUR, our lialibility os to sell 62 tickets
Karol proposed to organize Childrens day with hypotherapy in Miloslavov on June 4th, 2011.

Leah has her final evening with our club. She is leaving on Friday back to fllooded Australian East coast. We have had farwell glass of champaign!

Peter has made reminder for half year membership payment!