RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (6. 10. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

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Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Martin Sloboda: Martin Slobodas new book "Bratislava" - Martin introduced us personally his new book „Bratislava“ who worked on it for the last two years - The book is not only about Bratislava itself, but about Slovakia and their people too. - First the layout was created including the context and pictures - Martin used also application called „sunseek“ to know when will bet he best time for taking pictures of perticular views - Detail work included even selection of places to take the pictures from. Martin was many times leaving Bratislava for the right spot and right time early in the morning to - Martin did his research from variety of organizations and state offices what would they and their partners look for. So was defined the main physical definition of the book and the context as well. The book shows where and how we are, what is important for a regular Slovak citizen - One of the motivations to create the book was the lack of image making activities inside and outside Slovakia. The book therefore is a clear representation of Slovakia and slovak people - The biggest challange was to adjust variety of styles of pictures into one beautiful piece of book. - Price of the book on the shelfs of stores is 35Euros a piece Everyone can take a look into the book also electronically and also buy one on the following web site: www.knihabratislava.sk


- recently our club is looking for a new club master, responsible for organizing presentations during our club meetings

- District governor opened discussion regarding new GSE team for Pennsilvania between 18.4-16.5.2015. Interviews for team members will take place between 1-14Dec 2014. Dead-line for team leader application is October 20th 2014.