RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (13. 10. 2014, 18:30)

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Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Katarína Hudecová: Kus Kus cirkus project Rotaract club Bratislava Danube


Cirkus Kus Kus is focusing on providing courses for kids, youth and adults as well as organizing teambuildings, self development, animation etc. 

Ciruks project solves the social exclusion problem building self confidence, strong skills and abilities, learning and discovering via cirkus activities such as acrobacy, joggling etc. Cirkus is fun. Social cirkus is already spreaded around the world. In Slovakia, the summer camp for roma kids took place in Banska Stiavnica, Plavecky Stvrtok. Close colaboration already exists together with schools in Bratislava.

Future projects includes activities with elementary school in Mokrohajska street and other schools with handicaped kids. Cooperation with our Rotary club is possible, but it needs to be discussed within the club.


Special guests, 6 members of Rotaract club, talked about their activities and focus on charity, personal development, conferences and networking.

RC Bratislava has invited us to an attractive event on Oct 23 at 16.00 in Crowne Plaza Hotel in Room London. There will be 4 candidates (Ftacnik, Nesrovnal, Knazko, Kratochvilova) on the Mayor of Bratislava presenting their visions of Bratislava and standing questions and answers.