RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (23. 2. 2015, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Ivana Filkusova: Our guest and potential member gave a bio presentation. Ivana Filkusova worked for several years in the USA for an international company making it to the managing director before returning to Slovakia in 2003 where she worked for more international companies until she took over the lead at Benetton. In recent years has has been active for the Jewish Community in Bratislava providing help to clients from funds from Germany.


Our meeting took place at the Carnevalle Restaurant so the guest couldn really show the whole presentation she prepared. Her presentation was followed by numerous interesteing questions and answers.

The meeting was attended by past DG Tomas Lang and President of RC Bratislava Lucian Bestercy. Tomas informed about the founding of Czecho-Slovak Yachting Fellowship and invited us to a regatta on the Adriatic in May. In April there will be another regatta by the European Fellowship in Naples, Italy with an attractive program for family member and even non members. Tomas reminded us to update our contact data on the web which will be used or the new book.

Lucian Bestercy came to open a discussion on Rotary Ball. He believes that it should be a ball for Rotarians from all over Slovakia that would take place always in a different city. The reaction in our club was rather pessimistic due to problems in the past. It could only be successful if big sponsors were found who would pay for it and the funds raised from tickets could be all given to charity.

Next Monday we will meet in Hotel Crowne Plaza in floor -1 in Berlin Room or Warsaw. Follo the signs.