RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (13. 4. 2015, 18:30)

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Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


GSE Team member Presentation (Cancelled) International Skiing Fellowship Rotarians - Milos Kmety Travel & Hobby - African Trip- Peter Princ



  1. Meeting opened by Martin Sloboda at 18:37
  2. ISRF Presentation by Milos Kmety

  • ISFR 2015 was held at Saas Fee, Switzerland.
  • Milos described the city of Saas Fee. The route to get there from Slovakia (about 13 hours), and the adventure trip he had with Peter Princ. 
  • Pictures were shown of ski week. The opening ceremony was olympic style, with flags being held, opening speech, children choir, and olympic torch and flame.
  • The rotarians collected money to assist the blind ski/snowboard community in Switzerland and their snowboarder guides.
  • The openning dinner was very traditional with meat fondue.
  • Group skiing was organized by the local rotarians. Each group had a local rotarian assigned to assist.
  • The Rotary Skii Competition was held, professionally organized. Milos finished in 9th place in his category.
  • The gala dinner and closing ceremony had lots of music, food and fun for rotarians.

3. Travel & Hobbies by Peter Princ

  • Peter shortly descirbed his experience with heliskiing in Canada.
  • After that he presented his trip in Africa. A trip he took in different countries in Africa with Bubo agency. Luckily, he was the only traveler and had the guide for himself.
  • Peter showed pictures of the trip and talked briefly about each country.
  • Rwanda was described as safe, clean, poverty is not common, and most of them live normally. A country full of hills, with a rich history of tribal wars. The country does not have scarcity of water, but it has infrastructure issues, which makes people walk kilometers to reach the source.
  • Peter also visited the Gorilla Sanctuary. briefly describing his encounter with the gorillas.
  • He went to a safar, with all typical savage animals from Africa.
  • Uganda was described as place with nice people and animals. He visited a chimpanzee island, and showed pictures from his experience.

4. Martin reported on Lucia Drevickas preparation of GSE trip

5.Next week we will have a field trip to WW2 bunker BS4 in Petrzalka. This is with partners and family. Those who can come on bicycle. It is located between Berg border crossing and Lafranconi bridge. The meeting will be at 17.30. Drivers can park before Berg border crossing.