RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (28. 3. 2011, 18:30)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Dr.Peter Kresanek: Our renowned historician and ex mayor of the City of Bratislava, Mr.Peter Kresanek has presented the water mills restoration in Kvacianska valley. This part of North Slovakia has been in 1985 discovered by a group of enthusiasts which found the old water mills beeing just a step before extinction. Today, after a years of voluntary works of several dozens of volunteers there are restored few buildings with origins from 18 to begining of 20th century, including the technology....Discussion have touched various aspects of tourism, sustainability of rural tourism and approach of the Slovak local authorities and inhabitants.


Klaus informed about District Rotary conference from last weeked, hold in Chateau Bela. He brought some materials from this event.
Klaus asked to have a meeting about the vision of our club for next 5 to 10 years. This initiative has been brought during the District conference and it would be very important to make this session.
Another project Happy Euro / voluntary collection of cash to support  Rotary in  continuation the fight against the polio
Another initiative is to extend new members for Rotaract as basis for future Rotary members.
Presence of Rotaract on our meetings should be also supported.
Feedback on excellent service in the hotel Chateau Bela.
Klaus pointed the importance of new , modern media, e.g. facebook as a tool for growing the awareness of Rotary ideas among the society we live in, to be presented in the way we want to be presented.
Milos has confirmed and reiterated the goals of Rotary in our District regarding the new members, the importance to be even more active in the Youth service......

Suggestion is that Klaus will take over organizing the workshop on vision 2015. For next several meetings would be great that members will bring ideas about future club initiatives that will be included in the vision 2015.

Japan: our club should try to find a kind of help. Heinrichs friend to be invited to our club to discuss the optional help to Japan. Klaus suggests to contact Japan embassy to understand what they would need.

Milos informed about the district conference on May 13-14 with great programme. Michalela should participate, others please let know Artur.

Next meeting: wine tasting!