RC Bratislava Danube - Bringing Bronze model into life (14. 10. 2019, 17.45)

Adresa konání

Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03


The members of the club met at the new bronze model of medevial Bratislava on the banks of the river Danube. The president Miloš Kmety thanks Martin Sloboda for this great achievement.

Further in the hotel the president informed the members about the following

- 24 october being a Polio day and thwerefore he plans a lecture on the polio disease.

- it is necessary to validete the members data  in the database together with their profiles by the end of October,

- it is necessary to update the projects of our club at our web page

- it will be possible to attend the rotary meetings through Skype

Tomas Osuský showed at Rotary org. the club finder app. He informed the members that he plans a visit to Dubai and to visit a local RC.

Bodo Hauswald summarized the reconstruction of the wagon, which was completed in 2016 and by 2018 there was a Rotay logo, which later disappeared. Total related costs was approx 25.000 €. Therefore it would be good to meet a person in charge in relation to further proceedings.

 it is planned a bike trip on the Danube bridges .