RC Bratislava Danube - Presentation of the Rotaract members (25. 11. 2019)

Adresa konání

Hotel Albrecht
Mudroňova 4237/82, Bratislava, 811 03


There were 3 presentations of the Rotaract members over 30 years Martin Kmety, Samuel Scharman and Mari.

president informed about the  concert of Resoty at Kittsee castle on 27th November and on 30th November at primacialny Palac, Bratislava.

There will be a group of danish rotarians coming on 14 -15 May 2020 to Bratislava.

president has sent the contract in relation to the railway wagon  to the Slovak railways, should be signe by the GM soon.

Michaela Stessl informed that Mr. Gabriel Grossu a potential member undergoes a career change and therefor cannot become a member.

RC Bratislava contributed 500€ for the bronze model, we shall thank them.

Hypo therapy should be looked after, we have to appoint a new person for this issue.