RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (11. 11. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Peter Princ: Peter Princ talked about his adventurous journey from Murmansk on a nuclear ice breaker to the North Pole. They saw many ice bears and many other animals. On the way back they stopped at Franz Josef Land. On the North Pole they had a big party.


Karol thanked Martin for organizing the Goose Dinner and wished that more of us attended such common events.

On the 2 Dec we will have elections at the club and we need as many members to participate as possible. Milos suggested that the this meeting be more formal and candidates prepare a presentation on what they plan to do.

On the 9 Dec we will have a common meeting in Crowne Plaza at 18.00 of all three Rotary clubs. Do not come to Arcadia.

Klaus informed that RC Coburg plans to come to Vienna with as many as 40 members. The hotel extended the cut off to 22 Nov. It would be great if we came numerous. There will be great program in Vienna. You are welcome even if you do not want to overnight in Vienna. It is possible to commute to Vienna daily.

We need to find somebody who will accompany our student Emma to the foreign police. 

The Board has decided to support our participation of the St Nicolaus train with children form Levoca on 7 Dec.

Alex participlated in the Rotary Foundation Seminar in Martin on Nov 9. He informed that one person from the club needs to attend the seminars for three consecutive years. GSE is replaced VTT - Vocational Training. The grants can only be granted if the financial status of the club is positive.

Those who were at the goose, please send 60 EUR/person to the club account number.