Hodnota uskutečněných projektů
188 610 809 CZK ~ 7 338 942 EUR
On March 22nd and 23rd, Rotaract Hradec Králové in cooperation with Taco Boss HK and Rotaract Prague International, organized a special event to provide warm Mexican food to those in need. The event took place in Hradec Králové and Prague, where volunteers prepared and distributed fresh burritos, offering a taste of Mexico and a helping hand to the less fortunate.
Each year, Muslim Czechs and foreigners in Hradec Králové come together at the local Islamic Center to celebrate Ramadan and break their fast (iftar) as a community. It is a time of reflection, generosity, and shared moments over delicious food.
Dnes jsme zažili moment, který připomíná, proč má smysl pomáhat druhým.
V sobotu 22. února 2025 se v hotelu Imperial konal již XVII. Benefiční ples Rotary klubu Ostrava International – večer plný elegance, skvělé hudby, dobré zábavy a hlavně solidarity, tentokrát za přítomnosti legendárního Elvise Presleyho.
Predbežná správa z verejnej zbierky.
Dňa 10.1.2025 sa uskutočnilo divadelné predstavenie s názvom MOJE BABY, ktoré zorganizoval náš klub. Výťažok bol venovaný Základnej škole Kotešová na realizáciu enviroprojektu.
At Rotaract Hradec Králové, we believe that education is the key to a better future. That’s why we are proud to have contributed to the Nyakijumba – Educate a Community Project by donating a school desk to a classroom in Uganda.This initiative, organized by Rotaract Club of Kampala South, aims to improve learning conditions for children by providing essential classroom furniture. A simple desk may seem small, but for many students, it means a proper place to study, write, and grow academically.We are honored to support this cause and help create a better learning environment for the children of Nyakijumba. We hope this is just the beginning of more impactful projects in the future!
V Mostě čekalo prodejce dlouhých 25 dnů, při kterých se na stánku vystřídali členové Rotaractu Most, Skauti Most, Rotary Most a naši přátelé. Na stánku si lidé mohli zakoupit kromě svařáku také lázenšké oplatky, nealkoholické nápoje a drobnou keramiku z chráněné dílny v Litoměřicích.
Zveme Vás na tradiční adventní benefiční koncert, který se bude konat 16.12.2024 v 18:00 v kostele Panny Marie Pomocnice křesťanů ve Zlíně – Jižní Svahy.
Na zimnom štadióne v Žiline sme už tradične zorganizovali Mikuláša na ľade pre deti z detských domovov a centier spojenú s vystúpením mladých krasokorčuliarov a odovzdávaním mikulášskych balíčkov.
On December 15, 2024, Rotaract Hradec Králové hosted an engaging international call, bringing together Rotaractors from different parts of the world. The event connected members from Rotaract Club Erenköy, Rotaract Club Yerevan, Rotaract Club Dublin Central, Rotaract Club Monza PHF, and Rotaract Club Lekki Phase 1, creating a space for international networking and knowledge exchange.The evening started with participant introductions, allowing members to share insights about their clubs and personal experiences. This was followed by Pecha Kucha presentations, where each club showcased their activities, projects, and impact in a fast-paced, visual format. The event continued with Speedrotaracting, giving members the chance to meet and connect in short, interactive rounds. Finally, the Rotaract & Rotary quiz wrapped up the session, providing an entertaining and educational challenge for all participants.The success of this event highlights the power of international Rotaract connections, fostering new friendships, exchanging best practices, and strengthening collaboration between clubs. Initiatives like this reinforce the importance of global engagement and teamwork in the Rotaract movement.A huge thank you to all participating clubs and members! We look forward to more international gatherings and future collaborations.
Tradične v predvianočnom období organizovaný Rotariánsky punč v dňoch 14.-16.12.2024.Čistý výnos 1697,37 €.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KTt7ccKqlrvAQX8ILJ6-kqavWNKrHU3g/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110768870346056301918&rtpof=true&sd=true