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185 945 694 CZK ~ 7 235 241 EUR

10. 7. 2024 | Martin

Short Term

Organizujeme Short Term pre študentov z celého sveta

Dotkni se Staroměstského náměstí - další model
1. 6. 2024 | Praha City

Dotkni se Staroměstského náměstí - další model

Projekt “Dotkni se pražské historie” přináší již podruhé jedinečnou příležitost pro osoby se zrakovým postižením i bez něj, aby se dotkly a prozkoumaly nejvýznamnější památky Prahy hmatem. Od 6. června 2024 je pro veřejnost na Staroměstském náměstí k dispozici nový haptický model, který si návštěvníci mohou prohlédnout i rukama.

Benefiční koncert na podporu Burn Fighters
28. 4. 2024 | Plzeň

Benefiční koncert na podporu Burn Fighters

Tradiční koncert Rotary klubu Plzeň se tentokrát uskutečnil ve prospěch organizace Burn Fighters, která pomáhá lidem s popáleninami. V krásném prostředí Semlerovy rezidence jsme předali šek v hodnotě 50 tis. Kč na podporu jejich činnosti.

Celebrating Earth 2024 Day with Community Cleanup
22. 4. 2024 | Hradec Králové

Celebrating Earth 2024 Day with Community Cleanup

Rotaract Hradec Králové, in close partnership with Erasmus Student Network Hradec Králové (ESN HK) and Trash Hero Hradec Králové (TH HK), proudly carried forward its tradition of Earth Day stewardship through its third annual cleanup event. United by a commitment to sustainability and community welfare, volunteers gathered for a rewarding day of waste collection and camaraderie.

Rotaract Global Clean Up Day 2024
22. 4. 2024 | Prague International

Rotaract Global Clean Up Day 2024

Uniting hands and hearts for a greener future!Our first independent cleanup as Rotaract Club Prague International was a resounding success this Earth Day. 12 club members teaming up with the incredible @trashheroczechrepublic and a very kind-hearted homeless person, we tackled the area around the Prague Botanical Garden, leaving it spotlessly clean. The difference was stark - just look at how much we collected! And what better way to celebrate our hard work than with a well-deserved beer?

Koncert ve tmě Brno 17.4. 2024
17. 4. 2024 | Brno

Koncert ve tmě Brno 17.4. 2024

Letošní ročník Koncertu ve tmě pořádaný naším brněnským Rotaractem proběhne již tradičně v Café Práh (v centru Brna, hned vedle Vaňkovky) už 17.4. od 19:00.

Global Meeting - Networking & Quiz Night
5. 4. 2024 | Hradec Králové

Global Meeting - Networking & Quiz Night

On the evening of April 5, 2024, Rotaract Hradec Králové participated in a captivating international event hosted by Erenköy Rotaract Club, featuring members from Rotaract Club Dublin Central and Rotaract Club Monza PHF. The virtual gathering was a vibrant mix of personal stories and a spirited Kahoot quiz, reflecting the global nature of the Rotaract community.The event provided a platform for members to present their clubs, exchange cultural insights, and reinforce the bonds of global friendship. The ensuing quiz transcended mere trivia; it was an exciting celebration of knowledge and the spirit of international cooperation.“We’re beyond pleased to have forged new friendships and strengthened our global network,” expressed Daniel, the president from Rotaract Hradec Králové. “Our gratitude goes to Erenköy Rotaract Club for organizing such an enjoyable and unifying experience.”These gatherings underscore the importance of international connections in the Rotaract mission, as clubs worldwide embrace unity and collaborative service.

Blood donation at FNHK
8. 3. 2024 | Hradec Králové

Blood donation at FNHK

On International Women's Day, March 8, 2024, the spirit of giving was palpable in the crisp morning air as members of Rotaract Hradec Králové (RAC HK) and Erasmus Student Network Hradec Králové (ESN HK) came together for a noble cause: a blood donation drive at the Faculty Hospital Hradec Králové (FNHK).

Food Walk with Rotaract Hradec Králové
3. 3. 2024 | Prague International

Food Walk with Rotaract Hradec Králové

On March 3rd, Sunday, we and amazing members of Rotaract Club Hradec Králové were part of Friendship Prague monthly walk - distributing clothes, food, and informative material on where to get help for those homeless who could not leave their current locations to visit us on Saturdays when we regulary help with food and clothes.

Food Walk: A Compassionate Journey through Prague
3. 3. 2024 | Hradec Králové

Food Walk: A Compassionate Journey through Prague

In the heart of Prague, a remarkable event unfolded, spearheaded by the collaborative efforts of Friendship Prague and Rotaract Prague International, with an invitation extended to Rotaract Hradec Králové. This event, aptly named "Food Walk", was more than just a walk; it was a journey of kindness and support for those in need.

Distribute Clothes and Food to Homelessness
10. 2. 2024 | Prague International

Distribute Clothes and Food to Homelessness

A little by little, a little becomes a lot! Today we helped distribute clothes and food to homelessness nearby the train station in Prague. This is a weekly activity organized by @friendship.prague.

RAC HK at UHK - ESN welcome presentation
6. 2. 2024 | Hradec Králové

RAC HK at UHK - ESN welcome presentation

At the beginning of February 2024 we attended ESN welcome week at the University of Hradec Králové and we had a chance to present our activities.