RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (18. 11. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Jaroslav Holecek: Mr. Holecek graduated from STU and made a career in VW and occupying the post of HR manager. Currently, Mr. Holecek is involved with ZAP – association of automobile producers. One of the main tasks of ZAP is to participate of the transformation of education as well as support of research and development in the automotive industry. This very educational and informative presentation was followed by many questions.


This week (20 Nov) is the cut off for signing up for the 24-27 April join trip to Vienna with RC Coburg. Klaus was kind to negotiate a great price at the Hotel de France on the Ring for 125 EUR/DBL room/night. Coburg in expectation of great program (which it will be!) is planning to come in big numbers. Do not hesitate and plan it even if you would commute to Vienna.

Everybody who can is kindly asked to attend the 2 Dec meeting since we will elect the new club leadership.


On 7 Dec we will participate in the organization of  St Nicolaus train for visually impaired children.  There is plenty room for the rest of us, so please join us. It costs 15 EUR/adult and 10 EUR/child.


On 9 Dec there will be no meeting in Arcadia, but instead we will have a join meeting with the other two clubs in Hotel Crown Plaza at a new time of 18.00.