RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (2. 12. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01



The President Elect Martin Sloboda presented the club with his vision and plans for his upcoming Presidency. He intends to continue with running traditional projects of Hipotherapy and cycling paths. His special project would a a bronze model of the Old Town and Castle placed in a prominent location in the Old Town so that visually impaired visitors and toursits alike could see in one place what the historical centre of Bratislava looks like. Annually hundredes of thousands of visitors would view it and the the Rotary logo there. It would be a great visibilty and presence of Rotary. It would be a common project of all three Bratislava Rotary Clubs.

Examample to look at:


Estimated cost 20.000 EUR

The club members liked the idea and support Presindent ELect in this.

President Elect also presented his team for 2014/2015:

President Elect Bodo Hauswald

Secretary Martin Paulik

Youth Exchange Pavol Salatek

Treasurer Peter Klucka

Sergeant at Arms Klaus Pilz

HR Milos Kmety

Klaus and Heinrich came up with a new idea:  fund raising annual veteran car drive cross border tradition, pleasant afternoon, involve project demonstration

mid septmeber mid October

drive one day 150 km with stopover

  -Bodo reported on preparation of the railway car for the st nicolaus train

-Rotaract thanked for the sponsorship of the ingredients at the christams market