RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (17. 2. 2014, 18:30)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


In the beginning of the meeting we welcomed our fellow Rotarian friend from Rotary club Kosice. Karol is an economist working in insurance business for majority of his life. Dominating project of Rotary Kosice remains youth exchange program.
We also hosted a member of our Rotaract Club Bratislava Danube, Rasto Klimes. He briefly summarized their major projects such as Levoča, christmas market or participation of the RTC club at the Zagreb international conference. Rasto is currently preparing for his trip to Australia. He will also visit local Rotary Club in Sydney, where he plans to represent our district. He was equipped with flags for an exchange. We are confident he will share his experience with us too, after he comes back.
Our third point of todays meeting was the introduction of our planned project "Old and Slowtimer Tour 2014". Heinrich together with Mr. Vrbik briefly introduced draft of the project and also enhanced to vote for the committee members.
During the discussion, following areas came to mind where help is needed:
Supervision by parking
On way assistance
Sponsorship; gas stations, starting numbers, stickers
Which project we want to support:
Media coverage (journalists as co drivers)
Support from police (crossing)
Timing in a minute time frame
Committee needs to be selected this week
Voting for the project:
Yes 11 members
No.    0 members
At the end of the presentation, members of the club voted for the following project leader and members of the committee responsible for the project:
Chairman of the project committee: Martin Sloboda
Members of the committee:
Peter Princ
Klaus Pilz
Heinrich von Hollen
Finance : Peter Klucka
Voting for the committee:
Yes 11 mebers
No.    0 members
First meeting of the committee: Wednesday afternoon at 5pm, at hotel arcadia
Our fourth point of the meeting was a short presentation of our exchange students, who shared their experience from their Prague trip during the past weekend. They visited the major and dominant historical monuments of Prague; although they hadn´t had a chance to taste the origininal chech couisine :) mexican became more interesting, they said :)
Additianol notice for members:
Any plans regarding traveling of exchange students to foreign countries, their trip needs to be approved by the district. This rule was communicated at the past conference of the district representatives. All is aimed towards the children safety