RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (24. 2. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Milos Kmety: Milos informed us about the ISFR 2014 - International Skiing Fellowship of Rotarians. This year it took place in Bad Kleinkirchheim in Austria. It is a great opportunuity to make new friends. Fellow Rotarians in Bad Kleinkirchheim prepared an attractive week and it turned out to by a well organized event. Our Club was represented by the Kmety and Princ families. Part of the program was spending a dinner with a local Rotarian family, which Milos felt was a very nice tradition that we should adopt. Altghought the weather wasnt very good, the atmosphere was great. The last evening there was a gala dinner. The donation was given to Franz Klammer Foundation to support disabled sportsmen. The next ISFR will be held in Sass Fee in March 2015.


Daniel from Rotaract has presented ouur Club with the plan to organize the Spring Celebration as a substitute for the Rotary Ball. It should be an event of three club and should take place on 17 May in the Design Factory. Each club should bring 50 paying people, the entrance fee would be 50 Euro per person. This would include food, drink and entertainmnet.

Next week we should discuss this and let the Rotaract know our diecission. It is importnat that we receive a detailed budget proposal so that we can take a quaiified decision.

Daniel also informed us about the interest of Rotaract Club to organize the Rotaract Convention in Bratislava in October 2015.

The Club has ruled that all members will participate in the Rotary Oldtimer Charity in October by donating 100 Euros. The Club has voted on the logo that Klaus sent. Nr. 1 received most votes.