RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (10. 11. 2014, 18:30)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Vladimir Herda, Vyskumný a vývojový ústav Železníc: Mr. Herda explained about the activities of his Railway Insititute of Research and Develepment. The Institute’s activities include regular checks of railway infrastructure, calibration, information and security systems. Also the institute insures documenting history and keeping the history alive through various activities including reconstruction of reailwagon old-timers.


We discussed a possible contribution to Rotaract christmas market project presented by Rasto Klimes. Board members will make final decision and will communicate our decision further to Rotaract. 

Martin Sloboda had a presentation in Rotary Club Bratislava about development in Bratislava tourism in the last years in our region. 

17th november is no regular meeting.

24th November ....... Goose dinner

Martin Sloboda will send information regarding planned event in Coburg Samba festival 10-12july 2015