RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (16. 2. 2015, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


  • Program – District Governor Visit

·      Bodo Hauswald Introduced this year’s (14/15) District 2240 Governor Jozefa Polakova from RC Kosice.

·      The Governor briefly introduced herself, and explained why she is holding the office for a 2nd term (due to illness of the Governor elect).

·      Presented the fact that the Rotary International president is for the first time a Chinese citizen.

·      Mentioned our club’s 10 year anniversary; Thanked us for all the projects we have done, and our great cooperation with the Rotaract club.

·      Thanked our club for being a 21st century club and having women as members, and for keeping our finance records in order and having all duties paid to the district in time.

·      In the Q&A session:

o   there was discussion about how many clubs are in Slovakia (22 clubs), and how many clubs are needed to achieve district independence (40 clubs).

o   The differences in the Czech and Slovak club culture, and the difficulties to obtain new members.

o   How our district has offered support to the Ukrainian clubs, and the future of the 5 Crimean clubs.

o   International projects- Global and district grants more info at https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/take-action/apply-grants

o   GSE Team future- GSE has been replaced by Vocational Training Teams more info at 

o   Rotaract thanked for the kind words and asked about the District Conference program (23-24.05) more info TBA.


·      To Do list

·  Include Rotaract in the mailing list when sending the Governor’s letter.

Pozvaní hosté

District Governor Jozefa Polakova, Rotaract Members, YE Students