RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (12. 9. 2016, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Ivan Saudreau: Presentation of President about the Program Rotary Danube 2016/2017, Visit of District Governor


Presentation of president Ivan Saudreau:

  • thanking for the main activities during previouse year 2015/2016
  • Motto for 2016/2017 : "Bring the projects into our lifes"
  • 3 main projects: Hipony, CVI, Bicycles
  • ambition to introduce the new member fee policy  by 1.1.2017
  • non participation fee on the good will basis
  • NPF from 2015/2016 was compulsary and should be paid, Bodo H. will inform all deptors
  • Rotary club Malacy - supervised by Bodo Hauswald
  • Blanka Sch. - new project - Senior people in Bratislava
  • contact to Rotaract - Bodo H.
  • 10th Anniversary of Rotary club Danube Event
  • ISFR 2018 in Jasna, Milos Kmety+Peter Princ

District Governors Speach:

  • Paul Harris fellow to Peter Klucka
  • support for Jasina project
  • REM Rotaract Event - 5EUR/district member support . Rotaract chief should contact Governor to discuss the detials about the preparation of the event
  • 100th Anniversary of Rotary Foundation
  • Polio support
  • meeting with Pope Francesco nd Rotary in Vatican
  • 7,4 EUR for special pin dedicated for 100th Anniversary of Rotary Foundation
  • Discussion:
    • Bodo H: when the money from Foundation would come to support District projects? We will escalate. Governor will come back with the information about our project
    • Milos K: how is the electronisation of the District Rotary? It is been working on this topic

Milos Kmety handed over the greetings from Peter Klucka from his biking trip from France to Slovakia.

Next Rotary meeting: CVI presentation by Mrs. Ticha

Pozvaní hosté

Distrikt Governor : Stepan de Wolf, Secretary of Governor: Robert Plevka, 2 Inbound Students