RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (19. 9. 2016, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Erika Tichá, Betka Padyšáková: CVI - Centrum včasnej intervencie, Project Update


CVI (pedagogy+medical+social care for disabled children uptill 3 years old)

  • 2 years in operation, financial support by SOCIA ngo ( from VELUX foundation)

  • taking care of whole families, objective to let all family members to assist  

  • 58 families in care, 61 disabled children, together 400 family members (parents, siblings, grandparents )
  • Rotary Danube financially supported CVI by 1.500 EUR
  • Martin Sloboda donated 2.500 EUR from his Rally project
  • District project of 1.000 USD is already approved, money on the way
  • CVI selected by Orange for donation in "Ples v opere" cca 20k EUR( thanks to Ivan S)
  • Peter N arranged the VUB Sponsorhship for CVI in 2016
  • Current financiial CVI  needs:
    • missing 70K EUR in 2017 budget
    • weekend training for 6 families, apropriate hotel searching - !!! PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE TIP !!!


  • Bodo H suggests the Xmast concert in Marianka 2016 to donation for CVI
  • Heinrich vH suggests connect Oldtimer Open day with Rotary ( CVI should provide people to be present) 
  • Martin Paulik sugests Dobrovolnicku/Volunteers activity



  • Goose Diner - please, register yourself to Bodo H.,  12th of November, U zlatej husi      !!!! PLEASE RESPONDE TO BODO TILL END OF SEPTEMBER !!!!
  • Heinrichs Birthday Party - please register to Blanka Schellingova, October 10th, Marianka !!!! PLEASE RESPONDE TO BLANKA THIS WEEK !!!!
  • Heinrich might visit Coburg with apealing for cooperation CVI, Oldtimer rally, Hipotherapy
  • Rotary Malacky will host Richard Sulik this Friday



  • 2% taxation with support by Karol Siska
  • find out if Marianka priest would agree with Xmast CVI party


Pozvaní hosté

CVI: Erika Ticha, Betka Padysakova