RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (24. 10. 2016, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Stefan Peto: ordic Foddies 2.- continuation of presentation of Stefan Petho about his company



- company profile, 1990 Denmark

- Nordic Foddie - 2012 in CEE

- business model of Danakta

- product portfolio - healthy snacks for adults and kids, 100% organic and absolutely nothing else


Visit of Distrikt governor: Paul de Wolf



Paul Harris award goes to Peter Klucka

Rotary Danube awarded by District by "Rotary Membership Development Award"

District Donation - 1.000 USD send to Rotary Danube account for CVI project. 

Christmass Event Marianka - 19.12.2016 


Bodos comments:

REM - already 400 quests/tickets confirmed, REM gala dinner participation needed 14.1.2017, tombola gifts

New set of Bicycles 50 from Netherlands - Urmas Karlep

Update Goose dinner - Coburg, 12.11.2016

Mkulassky vlak - 10.12.2016

KArpatska skola - 27.10.2016, president Ivan S, Bodo H, Rotaract

Rotaract got the Christmass stand on Christmass market in Bratislava


Pozvaní hosté

District governor - Paul de Wolf. 2 inbound students