RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (26. 2. 2018, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


ISFR 2018


1 Peter, Martin and Pavol talked and presented the pictures from the recent ISFR 2018 skiweek in Jasna. Financial and official results will be provided by Miloš at the next club meeting.

2 Jasina project: Ivan informed the club that the Global Grant for Jasina project has been successfully granted. Congratulation and wish you the success with the project.

3 CVI: Bodo presented the proposal for the Grant that will support the multisensored room project in CVI. The Grant proposal needs to be submited by end of March 2018 and Bodo and Tomáš will conduct the procedure. If the project will be granted, then financial funds needs to be invested by the end of 2018.

4 Martin Sloboda informed about the upcoming oldtimer rally and possible charity outcome at the amount of 2000 - 2500 EUR. Martin asked club to vote for the project that receive the gathered funds. The decision needs to be made by end of May 2018.

5 Martin Sloboda informed about the bronze model of Bratislava from 18th century. Martin confirmed the team is ready to start working and informed the model should be finished not later than end of September 2018. Michaela proposed to start official direct discussion with Mayor of Bratislava and kick off the project. Cost production estimated by the team are up to 30K EUR. Half of the costs, 15K EUR should cover the club and the second half should be covered by two other companies - Bratislava Turist Board and one developing company. The place for the model could be either on the Primates square or other place such as Hotel Carlton frontside. 

Pozvaní hosté

Exchange student Liz