RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (16. 4. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


MUDr. Muskova: Ockovania vas priatel, ci nepriatel?´´ ...´´mandatory vaccinations, your friend or enemy?


  1. MUDr. Muskova presented very interesting topic about pros and cons of vaccinatios for the babies. Talked about risks, reasons of side effectes and the way how the vaccines should be taken. Presentation will available upon request.
  2. Gerta informed that planting of lime tree will take place this Thursday or Friday (19.-20.4.). Those of you, who are interested to participated at Schaubmarov mill, please contact Gerta by tomorrow morning 10am.
  3. Bodo proposed to have one meeting in Danubiana modern art gallery. Bodo will provide detailled information via email
  4. Bodo kindly asked Board to provide the actual overall financial information about 2% taxes received in 2016. 
  5. The hotel Devin venue, dinner and the services were at least one or two levels higher than in hote Arkadia. We were surprised by the organization of the hotel, meeting and kindness of the personal and quality of the food. Parking at the rate of 2.90,- EUR per hour worked great. Thank you Peter Kucer for your great involvement.