RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (25. 6. 2018, 18:00 - 21:00)

Pravidelné setkání


Michaela and Alex: Club’s Presidency handover



All clubs members with spouses have met up at the Kolkovna restaurant in River park in order to handover the presidency from Alex to Michaela and to celebrate another successful rotarians year.

The results we have achieved:

  • New member - Gerta
  • Projects
    • Hypotherapy - Elevator project finished
    • CVI - Kids room finished, and new District Grant application
    • Cycle Projects - New bycycle stands, new bikes
    • Deti Dunaja - Collection of money for 2 students for the whole year
    • Tree - Lipa Tree planted in Pezinok
    • ISFR - Successful World Skiing Project
  • Awards for Members of the club
  • 3 Inbound students and 3 Outbound students
  • Presentations
    • German Ambassador
    • Canadia Attache
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Artists
  • New Venue - Hotel Devin

The financial status:

  • Closing Rotarian Year with +25,000 Euros


Next meeting will take place at the Blankas place hosting the traditional ping-pong tournament.