RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (3. 9. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Chatam Sofer Memorial Visit


Today we visited the Chatam Sofer Memorial. It was presented to us by a member of the Jewish community. We learned about this important historic Jewish cemetery, which was used from the 17th till the 19th century. Unfortunately, during WWII most of the remains were moved to a different location because of the construction of the tunel underneath the castle. Thanks to exceptional effort of the community during in 1942 the most important part with some 40 graves of rabbis was saved. The best known rabbi is Chatam Sofer who was a famous scholar in the 19th century and established a dynasty of rabbis in Pressburg. His grave is one of the most importnat sites worldwide for the Jewish orthodoxy and a place od pilgrimage for orthodox Jews.