RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (8. 10. 2018, 18:00 - 20:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Board meeting and visit of Governor Zdenek Michalek


Prior to the regular meetingthe board held a meeting where a few topics were discussed:


-Gerta suggested we take part in a Charity Golf Tournament (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary)

-Bodo is flying to Eritrea and is asking if anybody would like to support an orphanage in Asmara

-Milos suggested our club contribute to the effort of Italian Rotarians to finance the relief for 600 families in Genova who were affected by collapse of the bridge. The club would finance the purchase of T-shirts for us costing 10 Euros each

-Martin was assigned the job of the preparation of our common trip to Slovakia with our partner club from Coburg

-We need to put in compliance with GDPR our rules of order – rokovaci poriadok. Michaela will look into this

-Peter Klucka update dus on the bicycle project . It was agreed that we will terminate the cooperation with Cyklokoalicia since they cannot cope with more bicycles


Our President officially congratulated our dear Heinrich von Hollen on his 82nd birthday and handed over a present in the form of a calendar with sailboats that he is so fond of. The Governor joined in the congratulation.


Today we were honoured by the visit of District Governor Zdenek Michalek and Assistant Governot Ladislav Nagy. Our President provided basic info on the club and our activities and Milos presented our biggest event we organized in history – the ISFR.


Governor present the past, present and future of Rotary world wide and in our district. The trend is the member numbers decline in developed countries and rise in developing parts of the world, mainly in Asia. In our district they stagnate.


Goals to achieve in our district to tackle the problem:

  1. Preserve the CZ-SK district. If the numbers fall under a limit we will be put together with a neighboring district
  2. Address younger people to join
  3. Improve PR, image and awareness of Rotary in the society


In 2019 our district will celebrate 20 years of existence. We all are invited to also join the Rotary Convention in Hamburg in 2019.


The District wants to raise awareness of Polio and wants to organize events in order to spread the necessisity of vaccination.


Governor used the opportunity to officially hand over the Paul Harris Fellow to Milos Kmety and Martin Sloboda.