RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (19. 11. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Prof. Dusan Hamar: Prof. MUDr. Dusan Hamar, PhD., Chairman of the commission of medicine “Univerziada”


  1. Guest speaker: Prof. MUDr. Dusan Hamar, PhD., Chairman of the commission of medicine “Univerziada”.


He explained the methods of detection of blood manipulation, for instance, on the basis of the Athlete’s Biological Passport (ABP).  He described how the oxygen transport pathway to the muscles works and increase of the hämoglobin level.  


Potential doping issues of athletes are dealt with by the permanent tribunal at the Arbitration Court for Sports with its headquarter in Lausanne.  …….


  1. Tomas Osusky provided an update of the Rotary Foundation convent that took place recently and that he joined on behalf of our club. This means that due to Tomas´ attendance at the convent our club is eligible to apply for new district grants in the amount of up tu USD 1,000.
  2. Bodo Hauswald invited us to take part on the traditional St. Nicolo train´s ride on Saturday the 8. December 2018, starting from 15:00 to 17:00. An email with more detailed information was sent out by the president to all club members this week. Please if you wish to join notify this to us ASAP.
  3. In this context, Bodo suggested that our club takes over the obligation to pay for a certain number of clients of CVI the participation fee for the ride on the St. Nicolo train (the fee for 1 participant in total amounts around € 20). All present club members agreed with such approach and approved this ad hoc charity project immediately at the club meeting.
  4. Milos Kmety provided us with an update on the International Skiing Rotary event in Oberndorf / Klein Walsertal, Germany, taking place from 16.3 – 23.3.2019. Accommodation can be booked from now on – for more details please see www.isfr.eu/next_event
  5. Our president Michaela clearly reminded all club members to mandatorily join the Annual Members Meeting next Monday, 26.11.2018 as important issues shall be decided such as the election of the new president of the club for 2020/21, the new Articles of Association of the club and new club projects to be suggested and applied for the district grant.
  6. Our president kindly reminded all club members to notify if some have still interest to join the joint event of the three Bratislava Rotary clubs – the trip to the Gallery Albertina in Vienna and subsequent the visit of the Christmas market at the Vienna Rathausplatz on 8 December 2018.