RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (26. 11. 2018, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Annual Member Meeting, Voting for President 2020/2021, Approval of new Articles of Association


Annual Member Meeting

Todays agenda of the AMM was as follows:

 - Short presentation of candidates for Presidency 2020/2021 - Gerta Samelova Flassikova and Martin Paulik. Gerta was elected as President for 2020/2021

 - President Elect Milos Kmety introduced his team for his Presidency in 2019/2020

Secretary: Martin Paulik

Board - all mentioned plus Past President and President Elect

Clubmaster: Gerta Samelova Flassikova

Treasurer: Pavol Salatek

Youth exchange coordiantor: Ivan Saudreau

After voting the above were unanimously elected. 

Another main topic is was to approve the club´s new Articles of Association (“Stanovy” or “AoA) mainly to be compliant with GDPR requirements

Approval of new AoA: New Articles were unianimously approved while two points will be ammended:

cl. 5, bod 1.5. pripominat si vyznamne sluzby (a osobnosti) 

cl. 12, bod 3.1.  prezident moze (po suhlase predstavenstva) poverit pravnicku alebo fyzicku osobu