RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (17. 12. 2018, 18:00)

Pravidelné setkání


Mandatory Board Meeting



Today we met at DLA Piper for the mandatory Board Meeting and Christmas gettogether. We discussed the following points:

  • Approval of new by laws of the club
  • Report on the clubs current finances
  • Report on the status of our Youth Exchange Program
  • We discussed the publicity of our projects and how to attract new members
  • Report on the status of the Rotary project "3D Bronze Model of Bratislava"
  • Status of District Members Book - ID + photography of President Elect, number of present members and board members to be updated in early January during our meeting

There will be a webinar session in January to teach members how to use the website

All are reminded to send their fees by January 2019