RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (4. 3. 2019, 18:00 - 19:30)

Pravidelné setkání


Martin Sloboda: Martin Sloboda Update on bronze model


Martin Sloboda presented the current statuts of work on the bronze model. It will now be cast into bronze. We would like the Mayor of Bratislava to be present for the unveiling ceremony which should be on Saturday, 27 April.

Michaela and Milos informed us about the status of several of our members including Ondrej Macko. We voted to change his status to honorary member. 

Our member Karol Siska will come to talk about 

Bodo gave us an update on CVI. Bodo found a sponsor for Mercedes truck worth 18.000 Euros. CVI uses the truck to visit families.

Ivan informed us about the results of the Jasina project which has been successfully concluded. He will invite our colleague from Kosice to present us the results.