RAC Hradec Králové - Mokka oda (6. 2. 2022, 10:00)


Record of the Rotaract meeting from 6.2.2022 that took place in Mokka oda. The meeting started at 10:00 and ended at 12:15. All of the club members were invited in advance through Facebook.


  • Charity winter project evaluation
  • Club covenant (stanovy) - discussion
  • Promotional stuff
  • Team-building
  • Workgroup - winter ball - discussion
  • Charity project - new projects 
  • Recruiting new members
  • Conferences
  • Membership fee


  • Charity winter project evaluation
    • Communication problems with Mr. Samek 
    • Communication directly with orphanages was alright
    • For next year would be better to have direct communication with orphanages - that include earlier communication with them - through contacts we´ve gotten this year
    • ESN liked the project but next time wants to involve foreign students
    • Start planning this event again in September 2022
  • Club covenant (stanovy) - discussion
    • Alexia asked other clubs to see their stanovy - we received stanovy from RC Most and RC Zlín
    • Stanovy RC Zlín are more complex
    • Stanovy RC Most are simpler 
    • We decided to make our new stanovy more similar to stanovy RC Zlín - because in the case of conflict it will be easier to decide who is right 
    • Alexia and Kryšpín will meet with the president of RC Zlín to discuss it with her
    • After this meeting there will be draft will be sent to all members who can comment on it and correct it. 
  • Promotional stuff
    • New T-shirts
      • Same for all of the members
      • For some social events - polo shirts with embroidered logos - Alejandro may arrange it
      • Then make some less expensive for fewer prestige events
      • Alexia- post in the Facebook group
    • New banners and pink flag
    • We agreed we don't need an internet page as long we have Facebook and we will establish our Instagram - need a person who will manage it
  • Team-building
    • Golf, laser game, archery, escape room
    • One small teambuilding a month - connect it with a meeting - could also bring us, new members
    • Big team building in summer - boats or smth.
  • Workgroup - winter ball - discussion
    • We will work on it together - 1 thing is to find a place
  • Charity project - new project 
    • The plan is to have 2 projects till summer
    • ISU + ESN + Rotaract - something in summer
      • Bakeoff
      • Archery
      • Interaction with children - sports tournament - people from ISU can act as a couches 
      • Football match between ISU and ESN
  • Recruiting new members
    • Lukáš will talk to Timoteus and Martina about new potential members
    • Try to recruit members from the UHK - work closely with them - so we can get a small stand at their events - get new members
    • Get new members through a networking event
    • Get involved Erasmus students to spread the idea of Rotaract if they don't know it 
  • Conferences
    • Discussion if someone is willing to go to them
    • And if we want to host the District conference in October - we agreed that we want to and we will talk to the district secretary about it
  • Membership fee
    • We will have to start paying a district membership fee of 6 euro for every member of the club
    • Also, we decided we will establish a club fee so we can finance our new events, the amount is yet to be decided 
    • To keep track of things we need a transparent bank account and treasurer 
    • Also, we decided to make a piggy bank for our team buildings


  • Charity winter project evaluation 
    • Overall it was a success
  • Club covenant (stanovy) - discussion
    • It will be further discussed through social media
    • Alexia and Kryšpín meeting with Karolina - district secretary
  • Promotional stuff
    • Will be ordered the design will be discussed through social media
  • Team-building
    • The first small one will be connected to the next meeting (5th march)
    • The big one will be in the summer
  • Workgroup - winter ball - discussion
    • We will start working on it
  • Charity project - new projects 
    • There will be meetings with ESN and ISU on this topic through February
    • It will be further discussed in march
  • Recruiting new members
    • Through UHK and Lukáš
  • Conferences
    • Hosting of October district conference - will discuss with Karolina - district secretary
  • Membership fee
    • District 6 euros + club fee (we don't know the amount yet)
    • Piggy money